Design like the pros at the world’s top companies

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Creating products that solve real problems for your users is not only rewarding but also challenging. It requires creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of your customers’ needs and desires. That’s why we at Alkemy have designed a one-day masterclass on product development, where we will teach you the fundamentals and best practices of creating successful products.

Join us in person or online

Article Outline

What is it?

In this fun and immersive masterclass we’ll go through the fundamentals of design thinking, blue sky ideation, lateral thinking, user-centric design, and critical product analysis to generate and validate your ideas. We’ll work on real-life case studies together that will help you practice and apply what you have learned. You will get feedback and guidance from our experienced instructors who have worked with some of the world’s leading tech companies, like:

Who is it for?

This workshop is for anyone who wants to improve their applied creative thinking skills, whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a business owner, a product manager, or simply someone who loves creating products. You will also have the opportunity to network with like-minded peers and share your insights and experiences.

This is a rare chance to learn from the best and transform your ideas into reality. Don’t miss it. Register now and join us at Alkemy!

What will you learn?

  • Design Thinking Fundamentals: Understand the five stages of the design thinking framework – the tested industry standard: empathise, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Discover how this process can elevate your product development efforts.
  • Product Teardown: Learn to deconstruct an example product to glean insights into its structure, business function, features, overall strengths and weaknesses, and discover which strategies they followed to drive their product. As part of this, we’ll work together on a competitor landscape overview, looking at direct competitors, and do an analysis for a comparative company in a different industry. This is a powerful process that provides insights and important takeaways for your own product development journey.
  • Blue Sky Innovative Ideation and lateral thinking strategies: Unleash your creativity through innovative ideation techniques such as lateral thinking and creative game playing. We’ll show you how to generate a wealth of ideas and select the most promising ones for your product.
  • User-Centric Design: Immerse yourself in user-centric design principles looking at usability fundamentals, information architecture, and the importance of visual UI, ensuring your product not only meets user needs but exceeds expectations.


At the end of the course each participant will:

  • Be offered to book a complementary 30 minute 1:1 consult and advisory clinic to dive into their own product
  • Have a set of skills and tools that will help you create products that solve real problems for your users, using creativity, innovation, and customer empathy
  • Have a network of contacts and peers who share their passion and interest in product development
  • Be given a copy each to take home of the following books
    • Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono
    • The Creative Thinking Handbook by Chris Griffiths
    • Business Model Generation, by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur

Key Information

Date: the workshop will take place on the 26th of October, 2023.
Location: The Building Centre, 26 Store St, London WC1E 7BT
Price: £549. This fee includes all workshop materials, handouts, and refreshments.

Book your tickets now

About us

  • Lina, with her rich background in design and technology, brings her entrepreneurial spirit and an exceptional ability to envision and kick-start projects from the ground up. Her experience working with giants like Apple, Skype, Microsoft, and other significant players in various industries have provided her with a comprehensive understanding of different markets and an unshakeable focus on innovation and R&D.
  • Expert systems and visual thinker, Ruta has spent the last several years specialising in FinTech, digital asset exchanges and Global Markets from startups to global multinationals. She has helped startup founders shape their vision towards a digital reality and evolved large-scale infrastructure platforms for major finance corporations.


Why use design thinking?
Design thinking is a proven and repeatable problem-solving protocol that can achieve significant results. Its user-centred approach helps ensure that products, services, and processes are designed with the user’s needs in mind, increasing the likelihood of success and user satisfaction.

What is the course duration?
We will start at 10:00 am and wrap up by 6:00 pm, with breaks for lunch and tea/coffee.

How many people will be part of this course
We aim for an intimate learning environment to ensure everyone receives personalised attention. As such, the course will be limited to a group of up to 15 persons.

Do I need any prior knowledge or experience in design thinking or product strategy to attend this workshop?
No, this workshop is designed to be an introduction to design thinking and product strategy. It is suitable for beginners with no prior experience, as well as for those who have some basic knowledge and want to deepen their understanding.

What should I bring to the workshop?
Just bring yourself, a positive attitude, and an open mind. All necessary materials for the workshop will be provided.

What is the cancellation policy?
We understand that unexpected circumstances can arise. If you are unable to attend, we recommend finding a substitute to take your place. If you need to cancel your registration, please email us at

What’s included in the cost of the workshop?
The cost of the workshop covers instruction from our expert facilitator, all necessary workshop materials, as well as lunch and refreshments throughout the day.

How will this workshop benefit me professionally?
This workshop will equip you with a strong understanding of design thinking and product strategy, two critical components in today’s business landscape. These skills can be beneficial in a variety of roles and industries, helping you to drive innovation, improve user experience, and make strategic decisions in your professional life.

Can you come to my office to run the workshop?
Absolutely! We would be delighted to facilitate this workshop at your office. Please drop us an email at to arrange the details.

I have another question. Who should I contact?
If you have any further questions or need more information, please feel free to contact our workshop coordinator at They will be happy to assist you and provide you with the necessary details or clarify any concerns you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Ruta Auglyte
Ruta Auglyte Founding Partners

Expert systems and visual thinker, Ruta has spent the last several years specialising in FinTech, digital asset exchanges and Global Markets from startups to global multinationals. She has helped startup founders shape their vision towards a digital reality and evolved large scale infrastructure platforms for major finance corporations.